
If you have participated in the Rum Runners Relay before, please note that the Legs have changed!

Rum Runners Leg Description

  • All leg lengths are approximate, measured by vehicle odometer only.

  • All finishes are on the left side of the road. Run on the left side of the road ONLY and as close to the shoulder as possible. Pull off on the shoulder to allow for oncoming traffic when necessary.

  • Runners are NOT permitted to accept water, or other refreshments, along the route from anyone except those assigned by the event organizers at authorized aid stations.

  • When parking anywhere along the event route, if you cannot get ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT, move on to a location where this can be accomplished.

  • Please limit the number of vehicles that accompany your team. The more vehicles your team has, the fewer the parking spaces that will be available for others.

Leg 1: Lakeside to the Sheldrake Lake Metro Transit terminal [ map ]

  • 9.2K

  • Start: 6:30 am

  • Rating: 1 (Easy)

Start at Youth Worx, 1300 St. Margaret's Bay Road and run west along Highway 3 through Timberlea to finish up a driveway on the left side of the road at the Sheldrake Lake Metro transit terminal. This leg is both flat and short, and considered one of the easiest on the course.

Parking: There is lots of parking at YouthWorx and the immediate vicinity. Cars cannot be left at YouthWorks or any business. There's some parking in the terminal/church at the end of leg 1. Cars cannot be left there. Once the finish chute is set up, the lot is closed. Please be careful as you drive past the finish chute. Other vehicles must park along the #3 roadway with ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT. Do not block driveways

Water Stations: 1

Food & Facilities: There is a Tim Horton’s and a gas station 1.5K into this leg. There are also a few convenience stores along the way. There are port-a-potties at the finish line.

Leg 2: Sheldrake Lake Metro Transit terminal to Head of St. Margaret’s Bay [ map ]

  • 11.2K

  • Start: 7:35 am

  • Rating: 2

  • NOTE -- runners will take in a short section of the St. Margaret’s Bay Rail Trail in Tantallon.

Beginning at the Sheldrake Lake Metro Transit terminal, this leg continues west along Highway 3 through Sheldrake Lake, Five Islands Lake, Lewis Lake, and finishes at the vacant lot at 5680 St. Margaret's bay Road, across from Mason's Auto Works and next to Allen Heights Baseball Diamond #1.

Water Stations: 2

Parking: There is some parking at the vacant lot, but once the finish chute is set up, the lot is closed. There is some parking across the street at the garage; otherwise vehicles must park along the roadway with ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT. Do not block driveways.

Food & Facilities: There is a convenience store along the way plus a gas station and food bar at the 9.5K mark (Hammonds Plains turn-off). There are port-a-potties at the finish line.

Leg 3: Head St. Margaret's to Queensland [ map ]

  • 17.1K

  • Start: 9:00 am

  • Rating: 5 (Difficult)

Start at 5680 St. Margaret's Bay Road and run downhill to the coast.  Follow Highway #3 and the coast for most of this very scenic leg until the finish at Queensland Beach. The finish is by the beach on a side road to the left. While the longest on the route, this leg is mostly gently rolling hills. It is considered difficult only because of its length.

Water Stations: 3

Parking  Available beyond the finish line in the Queensland Beach parking lot. If vehicles are parked along the roadway they must have ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT.

Food & Facilities: There are a few convenience stores along the way. Public toilets and change rooms are available at Queensland Beach.

Leg 4: Queensland Beach to Hubbards [ map ]

  • approx. 4.4K

  • Start: 10:50 am

  • Rating: 2.5

Start at the west end of Queensland Beach, just past the pit toilets, on Conrad's Road. Stay on Conrad's Road. Turn left onto Shankel Road, then left onto St. Margaret's Bay Road. Stay on St. Margaret's Bay Road until directed to turn left into the Aspotogan Heritage Trust parking lot, 10 Pte. Richard Green Lane, just past Highway 329.

Water Stations : none

Parking: If vehicles are parked along the roadway they must have ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT.

Food & Facilities: The Trellis CafĂ© is located in Hubbards. There is often a food truck and/or a flea market across the street from the Trellis. There are port-a-potties at the finish line.

Leg 5: Hubbards to East River [ map ]

  • 9.9 K

  • Start: 11:30 am

  • Rating: 2

Start at the Aspotogan Heritage Trust parking lot and turn left onto St. Margaret's Bay Road to Highway #3. Turn left and proceed west along Highway #3. Finish in the Maibec CanExcel Plant parking lot, just before the turnoff to Blandford at East Chester. Lots of rolling hills on this leg. The last kilometre is a gentle, and soothing, downhill.

Water Stations: 2

Parking: There is some parking at the Maibec CanExcel Plant. Remember that the plant is in full operation and that you cannot in any way restrict access of working vehicles to the plant. Otherwise, vehicles must park along the roadway with ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT. Do not block driveways.

Food & Facilities: There is a gas station and small mall on the right approximately 1K into this leg. There are port-a-potties at the finish line.

Leg 6: East River to Chester [ map ]

  • 9.4K

  • Start: 12:40 pm

  • Rating: 4

Start at the Maibec CanExcel Plant  parking lot.  Proceed west along Highway #3. There are a number of large uphills and downhills between here and Chester. Turn left at the intersection in Chester (at the Esso station just past Tim Horton’s) and finish (sharp left) up the Chester Area Middle School driveway, which is located a short distance beyond the intersection.

Water Stations: 2

Parking: Limited parking is available in the school parking lot. Do not park at the Independent! Otherwise, vehicles must park along the roadway with ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT.

Food & Facilities: Look for antique shops along the way. There is a grocery store across the road from the finish line. There are also numerous shops in the Village of Chester. There’s the Tim Hortons, a Subway and a diner just prior to the finish line, and just past Pig Loop Road.  There are port-a-potties at the finish line.

Leg 7: Chester to Borgel's Point  (NEW) [ map ]

  • 8.4K

  • Start: 1:40 pm

  • Rating: 2.5

Runners leave Chester Area Middle School on Peterson Lane and turn left onto Highway 3. They bear left onto Haddon Hill Road and stay on it until it rejoins Highway 3. The route continues on Highway 3 until Grace Anglican Church at 5533 Highway 3. 

Water Stations: one

Parking: There is a lot of parking at the church. Follow direction from the parking marshalls. Other parking is available in the lots at closed businesses in the area. Do not block driveways! Otherwise, vehicles must park along the roadway with ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT.

Facilities: There are port-a-potties at the finish line.

Leg 8 : Borgel's Point to Western Shore (NEW) [ map ]

  • 4.4K

  • Start: 2:35 pm

  • Rating: 2
Runners leave the church parking lot and continue on Highway 3 to the government wharf at the bottom of Shore Road in Western Shore, between civics 6407 and 6413 Highway 3.

Parking: There is no team parking at the wharf. Teams can park in the small lots on the left as you approach the finish area and on the side roads. No parking on the road on the approach to the wharf or near the fire station. Do not block driveways or businesses. Vehicles must park along the roadway with ALL FOUR WHEELS OFF THE ASPHALT.

Facilities: There's a market past the finish line.

Leg 9 : Western Shore to Mahone Bay [ map ]

  • 12.6K

  • Start: 3:05 pm

  • Rating: 3

Leave the Western Shore Municipal Wharf and continue along Highway 3 through Martins River to finish at the Municipal Wharf on the Lunenburg side of Mahone Bay. This leg has a number of flat stretches along with a number of long gradual uphills. There is a long downhill leading into Mahone Bay and past the three churches. Proceed past the churches turning left (toward Lunenburg) at the war memorial monument in the center of town. Follow along the waterfront to the finish line at the Mahone Bay Municipal Wharf.

Water Stations: 2

Parking: Teams are encouraged to send only one vehicle into Mahone Bay. Extremely limited parking is available on the Government Wharf. On-street parking is extremely limited. Park on side streets approaching the wharf, rather than on the road past the wharf. If the Scarecrow Festival is on, count on parking being non-existent. Please obey no-parking signs and directives of the road marshals. Do not block driveways. When you leave Mahone Bay, take Fauxburg Road to avoid traffic congestion.

Food & Facilities: There are numerous facilities in Mahone Bay, including a new Tim Horton’s in the Irving Mainway. Check the tourist bureau, just prior to the three churches, for information on the Scarecrow Festival, held the following weekend, and sometimes the same weekend. There are public washrooms at the finish line.

Leg 10: Mahone Bay to Lunenburg [ map ]

  • 10.7K

  • Start: 4:20 pm

  • Rating: 4

Runners leave the civic wharf and turn right onto Fauxburg Road. They turn left onto the Bay to Bay Trail and stay on the trail until it meets Maple Street/Highway 3 in Lunenburg. 

Runners turn right and continue on Maple Street/Drummond Street to Falkland Street. 

They turn right and continue on Falkand to Tannery Road then turn right onto Knickle Street and finish at Bluenose Academy.

Water Stations: one

Parking: Parking is available in the Lunenburg Community Centre’s parking lot. Do not block the finish chute. On-street parking on the streets surrounding the Community Centre/Bluenose Academy is available. Please obey posted parking signs.

Food & Facilities: Numerous facilities (restaurants, inns, pubs) in Lunenburg. There are washroom facilities at the finish line but NO SHOWERS. A light supper is provided at the awards ceremony.